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Saturday, June 05, 2010

u made me fall hard..
Real hard today.
12:34 AM

The top 5 loves and loathes about your courtship
Sunday, January 17, 2010

The following sounds so true.. The top 5 loves and loathes about your courtship tactics from the girls themselves. Using the "Who what when where why how method, everything's been written in every single detail just for you.

(1)Notices little things she likes and buys them for her.
How to notice: She tells you it's "cute/pretty/cool" and takes a detailed look at it and repeats that it looks "cute/pretty/cool".
What to do next: Express some interest in the item too. If she reciprocates with more interest in the item, she really like it alot.
When to buy: If she's already your girlfriend, buy it for her on the spot. It really makes her day. If she isn't attached to you, buy it for her the next day and surprise her with it before she buys it for herself a few days later!

When: Surprise her any day. Pick her up after work even if you guys did not arrange to meet, pass by her house on a Friday night to pass her a box of chocolates for a weekend when you would be busy, etc. But do not do it on a daily basis. It will just become a routine and she'll take you for granted. (Do not tell her about this!)
How: If you have a surprise gift, give it to her in a place where guys can be 'alone'. For instance, on the last bus home (where the only people on the bus are you, her, the bus driver and a guy sleeping with his mp3 player at the front of the bus) This will allow you to create that romantic atmosphere where she might want to express how touched she feels by giving you a hot passionate kiss for being so nice.(You want that too right?)
Quote: "My boyfriend surprised me with a pair of diamond stud earrings on our third anniversary. Those earrings spoke volumes. He saved up his weekly pocket money to buy them. They were the symbol of love still going strong."

(3)Calls/SMSes to show care and love:
When: It would be nice to drop your loved one a simple sms asking about her day and wishing her a great day ahead on normal occasions. Add an additional note of concern on days when she is down. 9 out of 10 girls agree that such messages really brighten their day.
Quote: "I love the feeling of waking up on a lazy Sunday to his SMS with 'good morning' and a smiley face. My whole Sunday becomes a sunny day!"

Why: A very subjective word. To a girl, sincerity means that you show her how much you really like her and that she is the one for you. Let her know that she is the most important person in your life and that no other girl can match up to her in your heart.
How: When you are out with her, make sure you keep your eyes to yourself and her only. When you bump into your female friend on the street when you are with her, make sure there's no physical contact with the friend. If you are out with a platonic female friend and bump into the girl that you are counting, make sure you make things clear to her that very night. These small gestures makes her feel important.

(5)Good memory:
Why: Girls have a good memory and they can remember every little detail of each date. Sometimes it's scary what the girls can remember. Sometime they even keep track of many time you said "bye" to her on the phone first!
What: We can understand that the guys can't remember all the details but at the very least remember the important ones, like the date of your 1st date, kiss, and official declaration of coupledom. Not to forget, of course, her birthday as well. Guys, make an effort to remember some details alright?
How: If you can't remember, write it somewhere and keep it visible. Put it behind your toilet door if necessary(it works!)

(1)Teasing her name or her physical appearance.
Need we say more? This is the girl's TOP loathe! Guys, it only works amongst the male community."I hate it when he laughs at the pink birthmark on my hand. If it matters so much, choose a girl without the pink patch!" "I dislike him calling me fat. At first, it was funny but too much of this really irks me!"

Maybe guys feel the urge to impress the girl but end up creating a negative impression somehow. We hear more from the girls themselves on what's wrong."Stop talking about how good your car is when it's your dad's!" "A guy once told me he had a few hundred thousand in his bank account when he drives a 5 years old Japanese car. If he really were that rich, he should just buy a continental car."

What we deem as romantic might be seen as "stalking" to the girls. We're unsure of their view too. We ask them what not to do."A guy i just got to know actually waited for me outside my office everyday to 'accompany' me home on my train journey. It's irritating! After a long and hard day of work, I just want to have some peaces!" "Waiting at the bus stop for me in the morning and pretending to bump into me. Appearing in the clubs I frequent and telling me "hey, you're here too!" It's obvious when I see the guy EVERYWHERE!"

(4)Infringing of Privacy.
Sometimes, girls might not want to talk about certain topics. Guys, you shouldn't pester her about it. "Stop asking me personal questions about my pay, my bonus ad my credit card bill. It's so personal!" "One of the guys who was chasing me actually asked me if I were still a virgin on the second phone call! I slammed down the phone on him the next minute."

(5)Flirting and Sweet Talking.
No physical contact with other girls when you are with her. Remember, "Action speaks louder than words". And we thought all girls like sweet-talking! Why the change in attitude now? We got to find out more!" I once liked someone and the first time we went clubbing together, we bumped into so many of his female friends whom he hugged and kissed to 'greet'. It really spoilt my night. I never wanted to see him again." "The guy should show he is sincerely interested to get to know the inside me better. Not by wanting to be inside my pants." "Men who sweet talk are usually flirts. If they can sweet talk me, they can do the same to any other girl. Such guys are not for keeps." "I would rather a normal, decent conversation to know him better."
11:59 PM

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

y does happiness comes n goes so fast.
i don even hv enuff time to capture it..

thx for da concern...Im alright mydears :))

from qh, thx for the company all this while. :)

^ I love u guys..


^ I miss u guys...
8:37 PM

Monday, November 09, 2009

Can I go to the lost n found corner to redeem back what we have lost?
10:48 PM

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Im true...u? ♥♥♥
9:36 PM

Sunday, October 11, 2009

hmmm, in love with this..nice song.

12:48 PM

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

I could hardly straighten my right hand..

Its been in pain since i woke up yesterday..n today..i cant really rest my hand straight. can u imagine my right hand dont even the strength to use a staple properly had to use my left hand instead..now den i realise hw important my right hand is to me.. :( n now its swollen n the vain looks like its gonna to explode anytime like tt..

pls recover soon =(
12:02 AM


* Ppl call mi: Nicole Chan Mali chan
* Arrive to tis world on 12August'1987

Close to ♥
- Dearest mum
- Beloved Dad :)
- HIM my ♥
- Bestie

* Being left alone

- To be HAPPY :)


Class KP


Weng Sze





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